Learn Hands-Only CPR

women reading Hands-Only CPR Kit box

With CPR as such an effective way to help those having sudden cardiac arrest, you may wonder what type of CPR is best. Research shows Hands-Only CPR (CPR without breaths) performed by a bystander, on teens and adults, is just as effective as conventional CPR in the first few minutes of sudden cardiac arrest that happens outside of a hospital.

"Stayin' Alive" in two easy steps

No matter where you are, if you witness a teen or an adult suddenly collapse, you need to act fast — a  delay of just a few minutes could be the difference between life and death. Check out this video from the American Heart Association, and remember these two easy steps:

  1. Call 911 right away, or have someone else call, and keep your phone on speaker mode.

  2. Push down hard and fast in the center of the chest at a rate of 100–120 compressions per minute.
    • A song such as “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees, “Crazy in Love” by Beyoncé featuring Jay-Z, “Hips Don’t Lie” by Shakira” or “Walk the Line” by Johnny Cash can help you keep pace. People feel more confident performing Hands-Only CPR and are more likely to remember the correct rate when trained to the beat of a familiar song.
    • All songs in our 'Don't Drop the Beat' playlist are between 100–120 beats per minute.

Learn CPR and be ready to save a life

Learn how to perform CPR by watching this video showing Hands-Only CPR in action or sign up for a local CPR training. Hopefully, you’ll never have to use Hands-Only CPR, but in the event of an emergency, your preparedness could save a life. Learn more about Hands-Only CPR.

How the AHA and Go Red for Women are closing gaps in bystander CPR

Go Red for Women is committed to closing the gender gap in bystander CPR and ensuring women receive CPR when they need it.

In fact, the American Heart Association resuscitation guidelines specifically highlight the gaps in women and communities of color receiving bystander CPR.

The guidelines recommend “bystander CPR training should target specific socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic populations who have historically exhibited lower rates of bystander CPR. CPR training should address gender-related barriers to improve rates of bystander CPR performed on women.”

Learn how to perform CPR in this 60-second video showing Hands-Only CPR in action.