Latest Research in Women's Health

doctor or scientist explains to patient

Why We Focus Research on Women

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women, killing one woman about every 80 seconds.

Such an aggressive disease requires an equally aggressive response.

That’s why the American Heart Association has invested more than $5 billion in research that:

  • Increases our knowledge and understanding about heart disease and stroke; and
  • Makes the association the largest funder of heart disease and stroke research, second only to the U.S. government.

Doctors rely on research to inform the work they do to help you — the patient — prevent and treat heart disease and stroke.

There has been progress, but in 2020, only 38% of clinical trial participants are women. We’re working every day to change that number.

There are significant biological differences between men and women, and research should reflect those differences. That’s why the AHA is committed to funding research focused on women.

There are significant biological differences between men and women, and research should reflect those differences.

You Can Make A Difference

Research Goes Red

woman signs medical consent form
Together, we can unlock the power of science to find new ways to treat, beat and prevent heart disease in all women.

Strategically Focused Research Network

woman doctor or researcher holds tablet outside building GettyImages-738778729
The Go Red for Women SFRN is studying a range of topics in women, including stress, sedentary behavior, poor sleep, pregnancy and heart failure.

Support Women's Research

Women researchers GettyImages-1207087144
Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer of women. Learn more about the critical need for more research to help save more women’s lives.

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