American Heart Association logoGo Red for Women®

Research Goes Red

Join thousands of women in the fight against heart disease.
Asian woman reading her laptop

Historically, clinical studies haven’t included enough women, particularly women of color. As of 2020, women represent only 38% of research participants. We need women to be equally represented, allowing us to understand their specific risks, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Go Red for Women and Verily’s Project Baseline have joined forces to launch Research Goes Red, an initiative calling on women across the United States to contribute to health research.
The vision for Research Goes Red is to create the world’s most engaged and largest women’s health registry and platform for research.

Both healthy women and those with an episodic or chronic health condition are encouraged to participate in research. The more we know about women and their overall health and well-being, the better we can treat, beat and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Heart disease takes the life of 1 in 3 women.

Participating in research could help change that.

We need your help.

For Women

Young woman browsing on tablet outdoors

Participate in Research and Help Save Lives

For Researchers

Women researchers GettyImages-1207087144

Utilize Research Goes Red to Access Data and Conduct Research

For Everyone

A young woman sitting at desk working on laptop analyzing data.

The latest research findings from Research Goes Red