Research Goes Red

Join thousands of women in the fight against heart disease.
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Historically, clinical studies haven’t included enough women, particularly women of color. As of 2020, women represent only 38% of research participants. We need women to be equally represented, allowing us to understand their specific risks, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Research Goes Red is an initiative calling on women across the United States to contribute to health research. Our vision for Research Goes Red is to create the world’s most engaged and largest women’s health registry and research platform designed to put women directly in the driver’s seat to accelerate our understanding of how cardiovascular disease uniquely impacts women.

Both healthy women and those with an episodic or chronic health condition are encouraged to participate in research. The more we know about women and their overall health and well-being, the better we can treat, beat and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Heart disease takes the life of 1 in 3 women.

Participating in research could help change that.

We need your help.

woman signs medical consent form

By joining Research Goes Red, you can:

  • Contribute via clinical research, surveys and focus groups
  • Only participate in the studies that you're interested in
  • Help shape the future of disease management and care
  • Learn about your own health while helping improve health for all

New surveys and studies are added often.

You can help save more women’s lives by joining Research Goes Red today. The time is now and we need your help.

Active Surveys

Surveys average 5-10 minutes to complete.
Heart Health: Insights and Understandings
Help us better understand the relationship between heart failure perceptions, high blood pressure and confidence in making medical decisions (also known as self-efficacy).
Reproductive Health
Help us better understand the complicated intersection between cardiovascular disease and pregnancy by participating in the Reproductive Health Survey. Whether you are pregnant, considering becoming pregnant or have already had children, we would like to hear from you.
Top Health Concerns
Share what health concerns you have to help our scientific advisors choose what research questions to study first.
Health Care Experiences and Perceptions

Health Care Experiences Paragraph

Share your experience with medical professionals and the health care system to help us better understand patient experiences and perceptions.

Active Studies

Menopausal Weight Changes

Predictors of weight change during the menopausal transition using a precision medicine platform: Defining a phenotype

Overview: The study will enroll 300 women from the Research Goes Red registry who are between the ages of 45-55 years to participate in a one-year study. The goal is to determine links between weight changes and novel physiologic and behavioral outcomes related to cardiovascular disease, and if associations vary among women undergoing the menopausal transition versus those who remain pre- and-or post-menopausal over the course of the study.

The study leverages the expertise and infrastructure of the Go Red for Women Strategically Focused Research Network.

Note: This study is open to women enrolled in Research Goes Red with matching profiles and criteria. Not all Research Goes Red participants will see this study on their participant portal.

Study Investigators: Brooke Aggarwal, EdD, MS, FAHA, Columbia University (PI), co-investigators Matt Allison, MD, University of California San Diego, Janet Catov, PhD, University of Pittsburgh/Magee Women’s Research Institute, Harmony Reynolds, MD, New York University, and Jay Vaidya, PhD, Johns Hopkins University, and senior advisor Lori Mosca, MD, PhD, FAHA, Columbia University
Awareness Barriers in Millennial Women

Preventing CVD and Stroke Among Millennial Women: A Dissemination Science and Social Media Approach

Overview: The goal of the study is to reach over 4 million women by using social media influencers to curate and share personalized educational content, increasing awareness in women to take action to prevent heart disease and stroke and enroll in Research Goes Red. The findings will help establish models for engaging these audiences to provide a more representative participant group within the next generation of research, ultimately leading to greater awareness and improved prevention of cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease.

Note: This study is open to all women. Research Goes Red participants will not see this study on their participant portal.

Study Investigators: Dr. Bertha Hidalgo, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham (PI), co-investigators Dr. Olivia Affuso, University of Alabama at Birmingham, and Dr. Alexandra Krallman, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Hypertension Risk in Young Adult and Early Mid-life Women

Health-related social needs and the risk of hypertension in young adult and early midlife women: The impact of pregnancy.

Overview: Test the central hypothesis that pregnancy unmasks both medical risks and health-related social risks that each contribute to hypertension and future cardiovascular disease in Black and Hispanic women of child-bearing age.

Note: This study will enroll women in Research Goes Red and is seeking to recruit 1,600 Black and Hispanic/Latina women.

Study Investigators: Michael Honigberg, M.D., M.P.P., Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston

Social Determinants of the Risk of Hypertension

The Social Determinants of the Risk of Hypertension in Women Study: Phenotyping Polysocial Risk in Women of Reproductive Age (18-44y)

Overview: Assessing change in cardiovascular disease health literacy in response to educational material and investigate the relationship between social factors, understanding of heart disease, and their impact on blood pressure and heart health.

Note: This study will enroll women in Research Goes Red and is also seeking to recruit 300 new participants in (or near) the Baltimore, Maryland or Washington D.C.

Study Investigators: Garima Sharma, Director of Cardio-Obstetrics, Johns Hopkins Cardiology

Social Needs and Hypertension Management

Transitions in Health-Related Social Needs and Hypertension Management among High-Risk Postpartum Women.

Overview: Investigate how health-related social needs (housing instability and food insecurity) influence health care engagement and health outcomes during pregnancy.

Note: This study will enroll women in Research Goes Red and is also seeking to recruit 1,000 patients through a postpartum blood pressure monitoring program.

Study Investigator: Christina Yarrington Obstetrics & Gynecology, Boston University School of Medicine Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist

Research Goes Red FAQs

What is Research Goes Red?

Research Goes Red aims to empower women to contribute to health research.

Together, we can unlock the power of science to find new ways to treat, beat and prevent heart disease in women. This collaboration unites American Heart Association heart-health experts, patients, and loved ones with its leading tools and technologies, to make a difference.

Cardiovascular disease continues to be a woman’s greatest health threat, claiming the lives of 1 in 3. That’s a third of our mothers, sisters, daughters, friends, neighbors and loved ones.

In the past, clinical studies haven’t included enough women or analyzed women-specific heart health data. We aim to change these statistics. Together, we can help save the women we love.

How can I participate in research?

Joining Research Goes Red takes three easy steps and less than 15 minutes.

Even better, joining and participating in research can be done from the comfort of your own home.

Visit Research Goes Red and

  1. Set up your account (2 mins)
  2. Consent (5 mins)
  3. Fill out profile (5 mins)

Your participant portal will be updated with new research opportunities and news exclusive to the Research Goes Red community.
You’ll be notified by email as new research surveys and studies open that match your preferences.

Is my data kept secure and private?
The information you provide will be stored in a secure, encrypted database with restricted access. Members of the American Heart Association team who need to contact you will have access to the contact information you choose to share. We may also share your information with other researchers and partners with your consent.
How will you use my data?

Your data will be used to:

  • Notify you about relevant research opportunities and updates
  • Determine your eligibility for a study, and assist with your enrollment in studies
  • Provide insights about your health
  • Conduct and publish research on health and disease
    • Note: Any personally identifiable information will be removed before publication
  • Build new tools, technologies, products and partnerships related to health and disease
  • Help improve Research Goes Red Baseline overall
How will you protect my data?

We are committed to maintaining high privacy standards and keeping your data safe.

The American Heart Association follow federal and state regulations governing the collection and use of an individual's data, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Data is stored in advanced systems with best-in-class security and privacy protocols.