Top Five Must-Have Kitchen Tools

kitchen tools

You don’t need a kitchen full of expensive gadgets to start cooking more healthfully.

Here are our top kitchen tool picks for making heart-healthy meals simple on a budget:

  1. Chef’s knife – If you can afford only one kitchen knife, this is the one to own. This large knife, either 8-inch or 10-inch, can chop tough cuts of meat but also slice through a delicate tomato. You’ll save big bucks buying whole vegetables and fruits versus expensive precut packaged produce.

    As your knife skills improve, try buying a whole chicken and cutting up the legs, breast, wings and other pieces on your own – another big money saver. Always wash your knife well after using, especially if cutting raw meat and then vegetables. Keep your knife sharp to make prep work simple and safe; a sharp knife is actually much safer than a dull knife.

  2. Thermometers – If you cook meat, poultry or fish, a food thermometer is a must-have tool because eating healthy also means eating safe. Cooking food to the correct internal temperatures helps prevent the spread of illnesses caused by contaminated food.

    It’s also wise to buy inexpensive refrigerator and freezer thermometers to make sure that the fridge is cooling (below 40 degrees Fahrenheit) and the freezer is freezing (0 degrees Fahrenheit or below). Not only is this a smart practice when it comes to food safety, but correct temperatures will help keep your food fresher for longer periods of time.

  3. Roasting sheet – This heavy-duty baking tray with an edge is perfect for roasting vegetables. Since roasted veggies take on sweet, smoky and delicious flavor, you’ll want to eat vegetables more often. Toss chopped cauliflower, carrots, onions or other veggies with a little bit of olive oil and your favorite herbs, and let the oven do the rest.

  4. Colander – This inexpensive strainer, some with feet, can be used for many things:
    • Draining pasta
    • Draining and rinsing canned beans to remove sodium
    • Washing delicate fresh fruits and vegetables, such as berries and lettuce
    • Steaming vegetables or fish: Place a metal colander into a large pot filled halfway with water to steam. Do not put a metal colander in a nonstick pot, as the metal can damage the nonstick surface.
  5. Kitchen tongs – Many cooks think of tongs as an extension of their hands while cooking. You can use tongs for many things in the kitchen:
    • Stir frying 
    • Sautéing
    • Tossing a salad
    • Removing corn on the cob or pasta from boiling water
    • Handling baked potatoes
    • Turning hot trays in the oven


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