4 Tips to Eat Healthier When Ordering Takeout or Food Delivery

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After a long and busy day, sometimes just the thought of whipping up a home-cooked dinner is exhausting. Turning to takeout is a faster solution, but restaurant meals can derail a healthy eating plan. Here are some tips to make healthier choices:

  1. Check online. Some menus have symbols or designations to let you know which options are healthier. Or you can look for nutritional information (if provided) on the restaurant’s website.

  2. Speak up! If you don’t understand a menu item or want to learn more about a dish and how it’s prepared, ask the restaurant staff. Ask for substitutions or ways to customize the dish so it’s exactly what you want.

  3. Eat half now, save half later. Portion size too big? Try saving half of your food for another meal.

  4. Order sauces and toppings on the side. When in doubt, ask for dressings and sauces on the side. You’ll control how much you add to your food.

Learn the lingo

Menu items that use these words are probably healthier options:

  • Breast (poultry), loin (beef, pork)
  • Whole-grain (bread, pasta, rice)
  • Grilled, sauteed, roasted, steamed, baked, poached (cooking styles)
  • Healthy, light, lite

Navigate the healthier choices 

  • Choose lean cuts of meat, skinless poultry, fish or seafood.
  • Say yes to vegetables and plant-based proteins including beans and lentils.
  • Avoid anything fried, battered or cream based.
  • Opt for a smaller portion by making a healthy choice from the appetizer section or ordering from the kids menu.
  • Choose fruit as a side dish or for dessert if available. 
  • Drink water or no-calorie beverages, such as unsweetened iced tea or coffee.


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Egg Nutrition Center

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Egg Nutrition Center

Eggland's Best

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Eggland's Best