Son's scary heart defect led couple to help other parents
Aug 17, 2021
Linda and Clint Pilkinton learned at 16 weeks their baby boy had a serious heart defect. Now, Luke is 3 and healthy.
Aug 17, 2021
Linda and Clint Pilkinton learned at 16 weeks their baby boy had a serious heart defect. Now, Luke is 3 and healthy.
Aug 12, 2021
Trauma in childhood may lead to worse heart health later in life for Black people in the U.S. who have a low income, but not for those who have more money, a new study found.
Aug 3, 2021
If you and your children have mixed feelings about the return of in-person school, that's OK, experts say. Here's how to cope.
Jul 22, 2021
Stephanie and Chris Lyon learned their week-old daughter had undetected heart defects and needed open-heart surgery.
Jul 21, 2021
Infants who received even a relatively small amount of their mother's early breast milk, also known as colostrum, had lower blood pressure at 3 years old than those never breastfed, a new study shows.
Jul 19, 2021
A mother's diet and weight may alter how her baby's genes behave and affect the child’s cardiovascular health, new research suggests.
Jul 9, 2021
At 9, Bennett Sayles has survived five open-heart surgeries and countless other procedures, all with a smile.
Jun 23, 2021
After being vaccinated for COVID-19, some people reported heart inflammation, or myocarditis. Here's how doctors are weighing the risks.
Jun 17, 2021
Babies born prematurely may have significantly higher risk of stroke as young adults – and the earlier the birth, the greater the risk, suggests an extensive new study.
Jun 16, 2021
The bond between son and father, Drs. John and David Cleveland, is quite extraordinary. AHA CEO Nancy Brown shares their story.