Active Living Policy Resources and Support

How can we help you with the effort in your community?

We all want and deserve to live in safe, healthy communities. People who live in neighborhoods where it is easier and safer to walk around are more active and have reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes. That is why the American Heart Association enthusiastically supports community-led efforts to pass policies that promote active living.

From investments in bicycle and pedestrian safety projects, to comprehensive Complete Streets policies, policy change can create more livable and safe neighborhoods for everyone to walk, bike, roll and use transit. How can we help you with the effort in your community?

Submit a Support Request

Are you looking for a second set of eyes to review a Complete Streets policy proposal? Do you need tips on recruiting and mobilizing neighbors to join your effort?

Resource Library

Are you looking for model policy language? Key messages? Trustworthy sources of data? Take a look at our Resource Library.
American Heart Association: Complete Streets Fact Sheet (PDF)
American Heart Association: Complete Streets Model Policy (PDF)
American Heart Association: Complete Streets Recommended Messages (PDF)
American Heart Association: Model Policy for District-Level Support of Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (PDF)
American Heart Association: Model Policy for State-Level Support of Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (PDF)
American Heart Association: Walking and Biking Appropriations Recommended Messages (PDF)
AARP: Community Challenge Grants awarded for community livability improvements.
AARP: Parks Guide to assess and improve parks and public spaces to foster active transportation and improve accessibility for older adults.
AARP: Walk Audit Guide to conduct walk audits in communities.
America Walks: How to Host a Walk Audit (Assessing a Neighborhood’s Walkability)
Safe Routes Partnership: 2022 State Report Cards on Support for Walking, Bicycling, and Active Kids and Communities
Safe Routes Partnership: A Guide to Starting and Growing a Safe Routes to School Program
Safe Routes Partnership: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Resources
Safe Routes Partnership: Policies to Support Safe Routes to School
Safe Routes Partnership: Safe Routes to School Resources
Smart Growth America: What Are Complete Streets (Complete Streets primer, fact sheets, research, model policies and more)
Vision Zero: Where to Start on the Road to Vision Zero
Voices for Healthy Kids: Complete Streets Campaign Toolkit (Complete Streets case studies, guide to recruit advocates, mobilization tips, media strategies and more)

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Active People, Healthy NationSM is a national initiative to help 27 million Americans become more physically active by 2027. This initiative promotes effective strategies recommended by the Community Preventive Services Task Force to improve physical activity. CDC, in collaboration with state, community, and national partners, promotes these proven strategies through Active People, Healthy Nation to ensure that all Americans have access to safe and accessible places for physical activity.

Active People, Healthy Nation is an HHS service mark. Use of Active People, Healthy NationSM does not imply review, approval, or endorsement by HHS.